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The principles of 


Nutritional goals

For a balanced diet, the main thing is to try to look for these ingredients in your pet's food:

Proteins: They build and regenerate their organs and other structures such as muscles.
Fats: Concentrated source of energy; structural role in cells, precursors of specific hormones.
Carbohydrates:Important source of energy, they promote some functions of the body.
Minerals:Important for bone formation, metabolism, nerve conduction, and for muscle and immune functions.

Our dogs are different, in diet and tastes.

Dogs are very active by nature, and they draw their energy from fat. They can become obese and suffer its consequences, such as heart and joint problems, not to mention diabetes.

Although you may think you are giving your dog a reward when you give him table scraps, you may actually be upsetting the balance of his diet.


Treats such as a piece of chocolate (which can be highly toxic for a dog) or cheese, a sugar cube or a slice of bread can cause intestinal disorders and lead to a gradual deterioration of his health.


Physiological differences

​​The size and shape of the dog's organs are very different from ours. Dogs have their jaws designed for cutting and not chewing. Their saliva contains non-predigestive enzymes like ours, but their stomach is larger, dilatable (with a capacity of up to eight liters in giant breeds) and more acidic to digest (the prey it ingests).

How to feed your puppy?

Give several small servings:Depending on your age, you should eat up to three meals a day at regular intervals. Always use the same feeder placed in the same place. This way you will learn to acquire good eating habits.

Control portions:It is advisable to respect the recommended portions on the packaging. Don't give him table scraps. It is not suitable for your puppy's nutritional needs. Eliminating leftovers will help prevent obesity problems, which could affect the puppy in the future.

Fresh water:Make sure your puppy has a water bowl with fresh, clean water at all times. Change the water regularly, as puppies tend to play with it.

“Make the change, see the changes”

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